Ray R. Liu

I am a master's student majoring in Computational Biology at CMU School of Computer Science. I did my undergraduate at Tsinghua University majoring in Mathematics and Physics with Computer Science track. Previously, I was a ML research intern at Mila-Quebec AI Institute advised by Prof. Jian Tang working on TorchDrug and TorchProtein.

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  • [April. 2024] Very excited to join Strand Therapeutics as a Data Analytics and Machine Learning intern for the Summer.
  • [Aug. 2023] I will join as a Master's student in CMU School of Computer Science.
  • [Apr. 2023] I will be working as a full-time researcher on RNA sequence design at Asai Lab at the University of Tokyo.
  • [Dec. 2022] Good news: my F-1 Visa has been issued, and I am going to attend the MSCB program at CMU School of Computer Science.
  • [Sep. 2022] Another paper PEER accepted to NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks!(to be appear soon)
  • [May. 2022] I will join as a Master student in Computational Biology at CMU School of Computer Science.
  • [Feb. 2022] Check out our new paper TorchDrug!
  • [Aug. 2021] Our drug discovery platform TorchDrug is officially open-sourced. Check it out!
  • [July 2021] I am beginning an internship at Mila supervised by Jian Tang.

I'm mainly engaging in the intersection of ML/AI and therapeutic biology development. I am also interested in the area of natural language processing, during my later years at Tsinghua, advised by Prof. Zhiyuan Liu, I was doing research on open-domain text generation, especially using large language models (LLMs).

PEER: A Comprehensive and Multi-Task Benchmark for Protein Sequence Understanding
Minghao Xu*, Zuobai Zhang*, Jiarui Lu, Zhaocheng Zhu, Yangtian Zhang, Chang Ma, Runcheng Liu, Jian Tang
NeurIPS Dataset and Benchmark Track, 2022
project page / arXiv

A comprehensive and multi-task benchmark for protein sequence understanding.

TorchDrug: A Powerful and Flexible Machine Learning Platform for Drug Discovery
Zhaocheng Zhu, Chence Shi, Zuobai Zhang, Shengchao Liu, Minghao Xu, Xinyu Yuan, Yangtian Zhang, Junkun Chen, Huiyu Cai, Jiarui Lu, Chang Ma, Runcheng Liu, Louis-Pascal Xhonneux, Meng Qu, Jian Tang
arXiv, 2022
project page / arXiv

A powerful and flexible machine learning platform for drug discovery.

  • Academic Excellence Award, Tsinghua University, 2020
  • Tsinghua Alumni-1997 Scholarship, Tsinghua Univsity, 2019
  • The First Prize (state level), Chinese Physics Olympiad, 2017
  • The First Prize (state level), Chinese Physics Olympiad, 2016

I have a unique background: I was born in Japan, holding a Green Card in Japan, and later went to University in Beijing. I am also very proud and blessed to have a brother who studies Computer Vision at MIT. He is like my life mentor, motivating and inspiring me to become a better person.

Besides, I love playing tennis. I was the tennis team captain in the Physics department at Tsinghua. Huge fan of Roger Federer, the GOAT in Tennis. He is my second biggest inspiration in my life. "Dream big and work hard", and "Shoot for the star and you will land on the moon" are my favorite quotes from him. Also, check out my YouTube playlist for some of the most unique moments of Roger's career.

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Avatar photo: Cambridge, Boston. Aug. 2023 by